CRISP360® Marketing for Effective Preference
Are you frustrated by minimal return on your investment of time and financial resources in your marketing efforts? Do you feel like you just throw money at things in hopes you will get
sustainable results? Have you begun to throw your hands up because you don't feel anything you are doing is effective on an ongoing basis? Too many businesses are actually building their
marketing programs backwards, using supplemental initiatives when core initiatives are not being fully engaged and leveraged, and building a plan without having a strategy behind it.
First, we'll help you build a solid, targeted strategy incorporating the essentials of CRISP360 Operations, and then we'll help you identify and integrate multi-tiered tactics within each of the CRISP360 Marketing's core initiatives for measurable results.
C = The POWER of Customer Relations
R = The POWER of Referral Relations
I = The POWER of Internet Presence
S = The POWER of Strategic Involvements
P = The POWER of Public Relations