Confidence Building

Technology: Some Things Never Change
Confidence Building · 15. July 2024
Over a decade later, these five points are still an issue with small business owners in their assumptions being made with technology as a form of exposure in their business.

Confidence Building · 01. July 2015
Part II of II - Last month, I shared insights on how Wishful Thinking can stagnate business progress. While Wishful Thinking is often openly expressed in a somewhat exasperated state of mind, Fearful Thinking is often not shared or spoken, but lies within one's subconscious, impeding decision making or effective action through an undermining whisper. Are any of these Fearful Thinking mindsets impacting your business? 1. Fear of Losing Control: If you or someone within your company have been...

Confidence Building · 01. May 2015
You may have heard the cold call statistic that it could take as many as 100 phone calls to get one meeting. That statistic has been around since cold calling was in its heyday. But at a one percent return on your time investment, are those odds really working in your favor? After all, wouldn't it be better to have odds that would actually give you the probability of converting that prospect into an actual customer? Over more than 30 years working with businesses, I have tracked what I like to...

Confidence Building · 01. March 2014
A company that expects to continue to grow efficiently and effectively must put controls in place to manage the process of growth. Additionally, setting standards and expectations is also essential to assuring consistency and quality.However, what I have been seeing recently are cases where standards are actually counterproductive, and may potentially be doing more harm than good. Are your standards sending the wrong message? Here are areas I am seeing companies fall victim to in their good...

Confidence Building · 01. May 2013
Over the past several weeks I have witnessed, advised or helped rectify numerous encounters and situations related to technology with business owners. What I have concluded is that business owners are perhaps trusting too much, don’t know enough to properly manage their Internet presence and technology, and then are left at the mercy of others at the most inopportune of times. Part of the problem is in assumptions that business owners make or because of what they don’t know that they...