Posts tagged with "intellectual property"

Value Building · 01. August 2016
Speed of change is the new norm in building a business. Agility is critical to growth and even more critical to value-building, sustainable growth. If you are not strategically building your business based on this fact, you are already falling behind. Your company's ability to scale is contingent on four critical success factors. Effectively aligning and leveraging its Intelligence Quotient (IQ), Emotional Quotient (EQ) and Velocity Quotient (VQ) will directly impact your ability to realize a...

Confidence Building · 01. March 2014
A company that expects to continue to grow efficiently and effectively must put controls in place to manage the process of growth. Additionally, setting standards and expectations is also essential to assuring consistency and quality.However, what I have been seeing recently are cases where standards are actually counterproductive, and may potentially be doing more harm than good. Are your standards sending the wrong message? Here are areas I am seeing companies fall victim to in their good...

Value Building · 01. September 2013
Too many business owners are broadsided by the fact that the company they have put their blood, sweat and tears into is not worth what they emotionally believe it should be worth when considering selling or being bought out. When the company was built on solid principles and values, and has realized good profits and steady growth, it begins to make the owner wonder why they put so much of themselves into building the company for such little return when ready to cash out. However, that may be...