Posts tagged with "debt"

Profit Building · 01. October 2015
Part II of II - In last month's column, I shared some common missteps businesses make that may be the reason behind poor cash flow, in spite of having plentiful sales. The real question is, what can be done when you still have employees and vendors to pay, orders to fill, and your sanity to maintain? Many business owners become further frustrated by a polite, but disappointing, "No" from their bank when seeking a loan. Even though it may feel as though you have nowhere to turn, you do have...

Value Building · 01. March 2015
Over the past several months, I have witnessed buy-sell agreements fall through in businesses because of unanticipated developments that converted an appealing opportunity into a calamity of hidden surprises that ultimately killed the deal. As more and more Baby Boomer business owners are looking toward selling what they have built over the years, as well as Boomers ready for a second chapter in their lives, willing to invest in a business venture, it is important to be fully aware of some of...